Beta Game Build

As we are progressing to the launch of our game, our work this week was focused on presentation. We wanted to make the game complete and engaging to the first time player. We added a main menu, a pause menu, as well as game over screens. The main menu opens footage of Mother Oak, as well as the four different level areas. We then added a smoother transition from the main menu to the start of the game. The pause menu also allows the player to check the controls as well as change the camera sensitivity. We tweaked the player guidance system, to include a more steady progression to the game. This involved unlocking new plants each day, and a longer, slower guidance system.

Other significant improvements were made to the juice of the game. This consisted of brand new enemy models, for the ripper, rayyer and blazer types. These models were designed to inform the player of each enemy's abilities, such as the ripper’s spinning saw. Animations were also added to demonstrate the movement of each type, such as a particle system used to show dust kicked up by enemy movement. Finally, we added a player waddle animation, to further immerse the player in the game.

The last week of development will focus on refinement of the gameplay. Based on playtesting feedback, we are looking to make the player controls more snappy and responsive. We also recognize there are still some technical issues certain enemy AI spawning in as duds. We also want to clean up some of the plant hit boxes, so as to make the world easily traversable, even when there are many plants placed.

Get Guardin' Plants

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